Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Beginnings

Hello again! It's been a REALLY long time since I've posted, but I didn't fall off the earth, I promise! I've been under construction, and now here is my new and improved blog layout! Much easier on the eyes than my last layout, wouldn't you say?

I've recently become the Visual Merchandiser for my JCPenny's, and I am so excited because not only am I in a super fun retail environment, but I can also let you know when major sales are happening! And yes, you read correctly, I am THE Visual Merchandiser. I am responsible for the entire store, and while I've never been responsible for an entire store before, I am more than excited for this challenge!
My blog before was all about sales and deals and trends, which is great because many blogs have built their name on runway to closet, but I'm not just a thrift addict in my closet (though that is a huge portion of my thrifty-ness) - I'm a thrift addict in my everyday life. I love eating inexpensively yet clean, finding inexpensive/free entertainment, and decorating for next to nothing. It's important for me to get the most out of my money so that my husband and I can travel when we have time (Inexpensively, of course).

For those that have never traveled - it is the most beautiful and enriching experience. To one day be in New Orleans, the next in Orlando, and the next in the Smokey Mountains, your head swims and your heart swells. I am not only a thrift addict, I am a travel addict. My addiction to traveling is much newer, but it is an ever-present factor in how I build my wardrobe. I no longer need many items, just important, beautiful ones that can work with a multitude of other pieces I have. 

It's about quality, not quantity of clothing, experiences, and life <3 br="">

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